Emily-May Photography

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Ella's Tangled 3rd Birthday

How in the heck do I have a three year old?! I can’t believe it. She is a wild, stubborn, kind, wonderful, frustrating little girl. One minute she’s my little baby and the next she’s asking me if she can go to school yet. The adjustment from 1 child to 2 has been hard, some weeks it feels as easy as can be and other weeks, like this week, I’m wondering how I’m going to survive it.

I really enjoy pulling a party together - as stressful as it can be. Last year I swore I wouldn’t make it a big to do but here I was again, stressed up to my eyeballs because while I did have a theme idea - I had no clue how to execute it. And this mama likes to be balling on a budget so that was something to consider as well.

Enter Marta’s Tower! I knew I wanted a Tangled themed party for Ella this year. And Marta is the perfect Rapunzel! I rented all the decor from her & she helped me with the set design. She was ready to be as involved as I needed which is my favourite thing, because I still wanted to do some of it myself. The joy on Ella’s face made it all 1000% worth it, it was the best day ever! Thank you to everyone for celebrating with us and wishing Ella a happy birthday! Now to do it all over again for Leo’s 1st birthday in February. 😲