Emily-May Photography

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The Why Behind Wild Fire Boudoir

Absolutely without a doubt, the reason I shoot boudoir is for you. I want you to see your pictures and go DAAAAAAAMN. I want you to love them when you’re 90, I want you to print them in a book for yourself and I want you to post them on a dang billboard if you are so inclined. Current boudoir dates are now live, more info found here!


When I first started photography, boudoir definitely wasn’t what I thought I’d be doing. In fact, the first time a client changed in front of me I turned 50 shades of pink. But here I am 5 years later saying hell ya, take your clothes off but also hell ya, keep em on. Do whatever you want, whatever it is that makes you feel sexy, alluring, strong, confident and yourself. Wear makeup or don’t (more on that later!), have one outfit change or 10 but really commit to being present for that hour. It’s definitely scary, you’ll definitely be nervous but it’s 1000% worth it. I’ve talked enough - here are what some of my clients have to say!

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