Emily-May Photography

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Camping, a Birthday & Sledding, oh my!

This year we have decided to stop buying more things and start making more memories. It’s a slow and gradual change - my love language is still gifts (and acts of service) and the kids are kids, they love new toys! But as I was gearing up to clear out a pile of stuffed animals and other toys that hadn’t been played with in months I realized that I wanted to make a change. So we’ve been adventuring and spending time as a family.

We have wanted to take the kids camping for a really long while now. But we aren’t brave enough to do an overnight so we loaded everyone up for a few hours and had a camping experience in an afternoon. I was STRESSED. A dog, two kids, a fire, a road and no service - I didn’t feel prepared enough. But we made it through, made some memories and now Ella asks to go “camping” once a week. (She has settled with a tent in the living room for now.)

Ella’s main gift for her birthday this year was a makeup lesson with Ginger Turley Artistry. Ella has been doing my makeup and her own for a while now and loves it. Being able to bring her to Ginger for some one on one time of being pampered and playing with all the brushes etc. was awesome to watch. And even now, a couple weeks later she still talks about it.

First sled of the season! (And I think ever!) Fall sees to have lasted 3 weeks this year and we dove right into winter.