Emily-May Photography

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Cocoa Dot Cakes - Take Home Cake Pop Kit

I’ve been taking on a few more commercial clients and really enjoying the journey it’s been taking me on. I have definitely seen my editing style shift to a more crisp and vibrant product because of it. It’s still me and true to myself while still reflecting the brand. I’ve also been learning new editing techniques to make sure what I deliver is consistent - especially important when doing product photography.

I was so happy that Megan from Cocoa Dot Cakes asked me to do some product photos for her over the last few months. We have now done 3 shoots, the first beginning with retail product. I ran around the store like a chicken with my head cut off, with almost no plan. Those first shots vs. these fresh and clean new ones are like night and day! Luckily, because of my new editing skills I can adjust my old images to reflect these changes for my client.

I was more than happy to take home this Cake Pop Kit for Ella to do while Leo slept. She had a blast and couldn’t wait to share the treats with all of us. Everything you need including the instructions was in the kit.

Microwave these guys in 20 seconds increments, stirring in between. I’ll be honest, Ella was getting antsy so I added a little bit of water to speed up the process.

While you are melting the candy, have them pop the dough onto the sticks! Ella did them all on her own.

Now for the fun part! Now you can dip it in the melted candy melts and then the sprinkles!

Ella preferred to hand sprinkle vs. dip. After every one she would say “now for the final touch!” She really likes baking, and I try to do something like this with her twice a month. This kit was stress free and easy.

The final product! Which lasted all of 30 seconds because they were delicious.

Some BTS! I am not a videographer (maybe one day!!!) but I really wanted to capture her having a blast. AND her singing her own theme music!