Downtown Kamloops

In Studio Branding Session with Ginger Turley Artistry x BeautyCounter

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I’m not here to sell you anything, but I’ve been using a few of these products for the last little while and they are awesome. I bought the Flawless in 5 set and it has made my every day routine so much easier. Their new formula concealer is AMAZING. And I know nothing about makeup (which is why I have Ginger!) But I do know that as I’m getting older I’m thinking more and more about taking care of myself, my body and my mind.

I was so excited when Ginger asked me to take some photos in her studio with the new holiday line! The products are picture perfect (and so is Ginger!)


These products make for peace of mind! Thank you so much to Ginger Turley Artistry for introducing me to them. Ella loves them too!

Lavender Lingerie with Emily-May Photography

I love connecting with other small business owners! It is so much fun to come in and see your business through your eyes. Lavender Lingerie is located in Downtown Kamloops and I love shopping there (and now you can shop online too)! Every visit I find something to love. I have a few client closet pieces that I purchased from there and a lot of my clients shop their for boudoir sessions and beyond. Kamloops is so lucky to have this store!

Night Life Styled Shoot in Downtown Kamloops

Collaborators: Emily-May Photography, Ginger Turley Artistry, The Blondes Brunette

What happens when you gather a top makeup artist, a fab hair stylist & model and a photographer that likes to create a little outside the box? This.

If you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know that I love a challenge! And shooting at night is one of the biggest challenges photographers face. Shooting with a flash has allowed me to create with no bounds or limits and further serve my clients that want something a little different. And let’s be honest, not every wedding ends at sunset - so learning this can help throughout many aspects of my job. I am no expert, I’m always learning. Nobody can know everything, photography is both art & science with ever changing conditions, technology and possibilities.

If you’re not sure where to start pop on over to Pixpa and read their Beginner’s Guide to Nighttime Photos ! So many great tips and tricks in a 12 minute read.

This shoot started off when I saw that Amy changed her hair. I wanted to do something a little bit Cruella inspired. When I take inspiration from somewhere I want it to be just that, an inspiration and not a copy. Ginger was the obvious choice for makeup, she is an expert at glam without overdoing it and loves to experiment with colour. She is also Amy’s go to makeup artist! (And mine!!)

high fashion in downtown kamloops

The wardrobe was ALL Amy - all I said was black, high fashion, street style. When she showed up with 4 bags I was like YAAAAS this is what I love. I approach everything collaboratively. And I say this constantly. I leave hair and makeup to the experts and give very little direction, maybe a sentence or two for where I’d like to go. And it isn’t because I don’t care or I’m not interested, I want the artists to have the ability to work freely and create something that is organically true to them. Plus, they know best.

Inspo Pinterest Board

Inspo Pinterest Board

Sometimes when I’m editing I like to create a special edit that’s a little over the top. What else is a mama to do at 2 am?

Sometimes when I’m editing I like to create a special edit that’s a little over the top. What else is a mama to do at 2 am?

downtown kamloops at night
evening high fashion makeup look
downtown kamloops parkade

At this point it was raining and snowing. We had turned to head back to Ginger’s studio but I saw this little spot and new I needed just a few more minutes to make some magic. Worth it!!


Back in Ginger’s studio we had a few minutes to play with a MAGNIFICENT robe one of my lovely clients lent (and has since gifted!) the client closet. So if you’d like to shoot with it too just let me know.

feather robe

Which is your fave look?

Thanks for reading!

Day In The Life - Downtown Kamloops

A few of my fave stops in Downtown Kamloops with my family! When I first moved to Kamloops I lived downtown for two years and have so many wonderful memories from that time. I think that’s why it has such a special place in my heart - I’m in the business of making memories, after all! When Downtown Kamloops asked me to do a little story takeover my first thought was YES THAT SOUNDS SO FUN but also, uhhh are you sure you have the right person for the job?

But it was a super fun day! The kids cooperated, I got to check out some old spots (and a new one!) AND it only snowed a little bit.

Stop # 1 - Cocoa Dot Cakes

I stop in at Cocoa Dot Cakes EVERY SINGLE TIME I am downtown. Finished a shoot at Peterson Creek? Better get a cupcake for the road. My fave - always and forever the red velvet cupcake. It’s legendary. There’s an awesome spot to sit and eat, it’s clean & bright and the staff haven’t grown tired of me yet. Yet.

Stop # 2 - The Modern Family Boutique (Formerly Lizzie Bits)

Another guilty pleasure store for sure! But I was actually on a mission because I needed to get Leo his first pair of Nooks! It’s a literal haven for parents in there - nobody looks at you funny when your kid is having a meltdown, which definitely happened that day. A mix of hand picked amazing brands, local products and courteous service. Seriously I’ve never walked in there without being greeted and looked after (and I’ve also never walked out empty handed.)

Stop # 3 - Kamloops Museum and Archives

A new stop! A few folks had told me about the kids zone in the Kamloops Museum but I had never been. It was SO COOL! I think the kids could have played their longer but we were getting hungry. Definitely a must see and somewhere I will be visiting more often. Admission is by donation so make sure to check it out when you can.

Stop # 4- Hoja Mongolian Grill

We used to go to Hoja so much that they knew us when we walked in the door. Now that we have two kids date nights are few and far between but we occasionally make it out of the house. We were so hungry I didn’t manage to snag a photo of my food this go, but luckily I get pretty well the same thing every time. (Because it’s the best!)

We were going to go to Riverside Park after lunch but it started snowing (IN OCTOBER!) so we packed it in. Thanks for following along! What are some of your favourite stops Downtown? Let me know! There truly is something for everyone.