The Tapped Truck Collaboration

As much as I absolutely love taking photos, sometimes we as photographers can fall into a creative rut. Which is why I try every 3 or 4 months to be involved in a creative shoot that pushes my skill set forward and stretches the ol’ clickin fingers. I approach every shoot collaboratively - it is absolutely true that what you put into our shoot together is what you are going to get back.

I love creating with Ginger ( SO much, we’ve only known each other a year and have created and designed a handful of shoots together & shared clients to create a heck of a lot of art. I only recently met Summer ( at a Mama’s night out where I was SUPER nervous to even be at the table. (Sorry ladies, it was my first evening in a long time without kids and I wasn’t sure what to do - except drink!) Summer radiates joy, confidence and just FUN and that’s the type of person you want to keep around. We knew we wanted to create something a little different with Summer & Dan ( and were on the hunt for the perfect truck - enter The Tapped Truck ( Everything was falling together beautifully and I’ll be honest, Ginger did 90% of the organizing. She’s the best!!

I was also super lucky to meet the two folks behind Summer and Dan’s hair Amy & Brett ( & They came to the shoot location with us and Brett was the idea man behind the shot of Summer blowing the foam of the beer. Genius!! You could tell everyone was just as invested in this shoot as Ginger & I and the vibe was a healthy balance between LET’S WORK and let’s also all enjoy our time together. Check out the video & photos we created as a team to celebrate these two!
